23 Jaar Industriële Ontploffingsvaste Vervaardiger

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Gevare van inaseming van butaangas

Deurlopende blootstelling aan butaan kan toksiese effekte tot gevolg hê.

butane combustion-3
Butaan by hoë konsentrasies het verstikkende en narkotiese eienskappe, wat onmiddellike ontruiming uit die geaffekteerde omgewing en die oopmaak van vensters vir ventilasie noodsaak. Inname 20 milliliter butaan kan vergiftiging veroorsaak; in gevalle van bewusteloosheid, it’s critical to remove the patient swiftly to an area with ample air flow and commence artificial respiration. Subsequent to initial first aid, urgent medical care at a hospital is essential, where medical professionals will implement emergency interventions tailored to the severity of the poisoning. Although the butaan content in standard lighters is negligible and minor inhalation doesn’t typically result in poisoning, it’s prudent to avoid excessive exposure to prevent potential health risks.

Should there be discomfort from minor inhalation, it’s advisable to seek medical care without delay.



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