23 Jaar Industriële Ontploffingsvaste Vervaardiger

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com



Ontploffingsvaste verspreidingskasfoute en oplossings

Dit is welbekend dat in enige bedryf, maak nie saak hoe hoog die kwaliteit van 'n produk is nie, daar sal onvermydelik 'n paar wanfunksies tydens gebruik wees. Baie mense weet nie hoe om probleme op te los wanneer 'n ontploffingsvaste verspreidingskas nie funksioneer nie. Hieronder, I will discuss some common faults and their solutions in explosion-proof distribution boxes.

ontploffingsvaste verspreidingskas bxm(dx)-iv-8
1. Opening the ontploffingsvaste verspreidingsboks during operation is not allowed, and the flameproof surface should not be opened for an extended period. Due to various factors, die vlambestand surface may develop rust stains to some extent due to oxidation, leading to an uneven surface and affecting the explosion-proof effect. In this case, the rust stains on the flameproof surface should be sanded off, en rustproof oil should be applied regularly to reduce the occurrence of rust stains.

2. After the installation of the explosion-proof distribution box, it rarely stops running once it starts working. Due to the long period without opening, the bolts on the box are susceptible to rust, causing inconvenience for maintenance personnel. Daarom, lubricating oil should be applied to the bolts of the explosion-proof distribution box during regular maintenance.

3. During long-term operation, the explosion-proof sealing ring on the box cover may deteriorate and become aged, affecting the sealing effect. Users can have the manufacturer replace the old explosion-proof sealing ring with a new one.

4. With prolonged use of the ontploffingsvaste boks, the corrosion resistance may decrease due to collisions or natural paint peeling. Users should keep some plastic powder on hand and promptly apply it when they notice paint peeling.

These are the common faults and solutions in explosion-proof distribution boxes. I hope this information can be helpful to everyone.



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