1. Verskillende elektriese toerusting word geklassifiseer op grond van veiligheidsvlakke vir gebruik in plofbare gasatmosfeer, wat in sones verdeel is: Sone 0, Sone 1, en Sone 2.
2. The classification of gas or vapor plofstof mixtures falls into three categories: IIA, IIB, en IIC. This classification is primarily based on the Maximum Experimental Safe Gap (MESG) or the Minimum Ignition Current Ratio (MICR).
3. Die temperatuur grouping for igniting a specific medium is divided into several ranges. These include T1: below 450°C; T2: 300°C < T ≤ 450°C; T3: 200°C < T ≤ 300°C; T4: 135°C < T ≤ 200°C; T5: 100°C < T ≤ 135°C; T 6: 85°C < T ≤ 100°C.