23 Jaar Industriële Ontploffingsvaste Vervaardiger

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Sal 75 Graad Alkohol ontplof in die son

Alkohol met 'n konsentrasie van 75% is geneig tot ontploffing wanneer dit aan sonlig blootgestel word. Om 'n vlambare vloeistof te wees, dit het 'n vlampunt van 20°C, en gedurende die somer, die buitetemperatuur kan bo 40°C styg, verhoog die risiko dat alkohol spontaan in die son ontplof en ontplof.

will 75 degree alcohol
To safely store 75% alcohol, it should be kept in a cool, well-ventilated place where the temperature does not exceed 30°C. The container needs to be securely sealed and stored separately from oxidizers, sure, alkali metals, and amines to prevent any hazardous interactions. Employing explosion-proof lighting and ventilation systems is advised, along with a strict ban on machinery and tools that could generate sparks.



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