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HowtoCorrectlyChooseExplosion-ProofLighting|Məhsul Seçimi

Məhsul seçimi

Partlayışa davamlı işıqlandırmanı necə düzgün seçmək olar

1. Təhlükəsizlik:

Partlayışa davamlı işıqlandırmanın keyfiyyət standartlarını başa düşmək, məhsulun təhlükəsizliyinə üstünlük vermək vacibdir.

Birincisi, təchizatçı hesab edin (şirkət ölçüsü, müvafiq sənədlərin tamlığı, və idarəetmə sertifikatlaşdırma sistemi).

İkincisi, məhsul sertifikatlarını yoxlayın (kömür təhlükəsizliyi və partlayışa davamlı sertifikatlara malik olub-olmaması).

Üçüncüsü, məhsulun özünü qiymətləndirin (check for distinctive yellow paint and coal safety and explosion-proof markings).

2. Comparison:

Price comparison is vital, but it shouldn’t be the only criterion. It’s often more about comparing the quality and specifications of products to find which model suits your needs best.

Consider which manufacturer offers stronger product supply capability, better service quality, and superior warranties.

Price comparison should be rational, understanding that price variations are usually justified. Nəhayət, choose what you can reasonably afford.

3. Dialogue:

When discussing with suppliers, don’t start with the product since you already know it exists. Əvəzində, talk about the supplier’s company:

Discuss the company to gauge the supplier’s professionalism and strength.

Inquire about the supplier’s pricing structure rather than the specific product prices to understand the pricing range and potential costs for your needed products.

Let the supplier handle product discussions, needs, and quotations. If you’ve talked this much, the supplier can only offer a reasonable price.

4. Purchase:

Be decisive. If you hesitate, suppliers might respond slowly. Understand that the supplier has other customers and everyone’s time is valuable. By acting promptly, you ensure the supplier handles your needs efficiently. Bu arada, you’ve already chosen the product and supplier. Any hesitation might give competitors a chance to disrupt your order and procurement agreement, tempting you to delay and potentially miss out on the opportunity. Searching for a new supplier mid-process usually won’t yield a similarly satisfactory option, and you’ll find yourself in a less advantageous position.



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