Normal istifadə zamanı partlayışa davamlı işıqlandırma paylama qutusu sıradan çıxdıqda və partlamaya davamlı qabiliyyətini itirdikdə, riskləri əhəmiyyətlidir. Bu qutuların düzgün işləməsi təhlükəli mühitlərdə təhlükəsizlik üçün çox vacibdir. Partlayışa davamlı effektivliyin itirilməsinin qarşısını almaq üçün təcili tədbirlər görmək vacibdir.
Əsas ehtiyat tədbirləri:
1. When purchasing explosion-proof lighting distribution boxes, it’s essential to choose from reliable manufacturers to ensure the quality meets standards and complies with national explosion-proof regulations.
2. The application of explosion-proof lighting distribution boxes must be in accordance with specific requirements to guarantee their appropriate use.
3. Təcrübədə, avoid inadequate operation of these boxes. Some workers may have lower standards of conduct and a lack of safety awareness, leading to operational errors or violations. Given the prevalent alışan and explosive risks in factories, even high-quality boxes can fail. Buna görə də, enhancing safety education and training to improve staff awareness is crucial.
4. Regular inspections and maintenance of explosion-proof lighting distribution boxes are necessary during use. All operations must adhere to explosion-proof regulations, as any non-compliant action can compromise the system’s explosion-proof functionality.
5. To ensure a safe power supply, the operational voltage, cari, və temperatur of the distribution boxes should not exceed the rated control values. Pay close attention to the risk of overheating at line connections or entry points. In environments with steam partlayıcı materiallar, set up the distribution boxes as per requirements to manage environmental temperature and heating.
6. Gündəlik idarəetməni və texniki xidməti gücləndirin, regularly maintain equipment and circuits, keep systematic logs, and continuously improve explosion-proof management strategies.