Coal Tar Autoignition Temperature 2023-12-09 Technical Specifications 4316 Views The self-ignition temperature of coal tar falls within the range of 580 to 630 degrees Celsius. Tags:TemperatureCoal TarSpontaneous Combustion Prev: Phosphine Autoignition Temperature Next: Is Coal Tar Flammable and Explosive Related What Temperature Can Explosion-Proof Lights Withstand Are Explosion-Proof Lights Afraid of High Temperatures Will Hydrogen Peroxide Explode at High Temperatures What Is the Temperature of Explosion-Proof T5 Explosion-Proof T3 Temperature Explosion-Proof T4 Temperature Explosion-Proof T1 to T6 Temperature Will Gunpowder Explode at High Temperatures What Is the Heating Temperature of Asphalt At What Temperature Can Asphalt Ignite