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Je vyšší osvětlení LED nevýbušných světel, Lepší

Dnes, LED nevýbušná světla jsou dobře známá v místech vyžadujících nevýbušné osvětlení, jako jsou čerpací stanice, chemické závody, doly, a elektrárny. Tak, při nákupu LED nevýbušných světel, měl by být v úvahu vyšší jas? Let’s discuss this.

Jako moderní svítidlo, LED explosion-proof lights are inherently characterized by their low energy consumption and high brightness, making them increasingly popular. Dále, many vendors often uselow energy consumption and high brightnessas a selling point, instilling the notion thathigher brightness is better and more valuable.But is this really the case?


Postupem času, the brightness of LED explosion-proof lights inevitably decreases. Achieving high brightness requires larger driving currents, but higher currents reduce the stability of the beads and accelerate their degradation. Jinými slovy, merely pursuing high brightness effectively sacrifices the lifespan of the LED explosion-proof lights.


Another factor to consider is cost. Solely pursuing higher brightness inevitably leads to increased overall project costs, meaning users might end up purchasing features that exceed their actual requirements, leading to waste.

Proto, when choosing LED explosion-proof lights, users should not believe the misconception thatbrighter is always better.Merely seeking high brightness targets, or even shortening the bulb’s lifespan, is pointless.



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