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HowtoChecktheAuthenticityofExplosion-ProofCertificate|Tekniske specifikationer

Tekniske specifikationer

Sådan kontrolleres ægtheden af ​​eksplosionssikkert certifikat

Ved valg af eksplosionssikkert elektrisk udstyr, forbrugere drager typisk til producenter eller distributører, der har gyldige eksplosionssikre certifikater. Men, som forbruger, hvordan kan du verificere ægtheden af ​​disse certifikater?

For tiden, landet er vært for over ti certificeringsorganer med nationalt anerkendte kvalifikationer til at udstede eksplosionssikre certifikater, yet no unified platform exists for their verification. The validity of certificates issued by each authority is only ascertainable through their respective designated websites. Selvfølgelig, one can also verify the certificate’s authenticity via phone with the respective issuing authority.

Should the certificate be authentic, its main parameters and expiration date will be displayed. Omvendt, fake certificates will yield no results in searches. It’s important to note that due to manual uploading by the issuing bodies, there might be a delay in reflecting the most recent certificates on their websites. Derfor, direct telephonic consultation with the issuing authority might be necessary.



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