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FlameTemperatureValuesofCommonCombustibleGasMixtures|Zehaztapen Teknikoak

Zehaztapen Teknikoak

Flame Temperature Values of Common Combustible Gas Mixtures

Leveraging the principles of chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium, the adiabatic flame temperature for various fuels is calculated. This temperature differs across fuel types, but for many standard combustible gas mixtures, it hovers around 2500 Kelvin.

flames of combustible gas mixtures

Fuel NameFuel Concentration (%)Flame Temperature (K)
PropanoaEtano, Propanoa, Azetona, Fenetil, Ene, Aminobentzenoa, Toluenoa, Bentzenoa, Amoniakoa, Karbono monoxidoa, Etil azetatoa, Azido azetikoaButanoa, Etanola, Propilenoa, Butanola, Azido azetikoa, Butil Ester, Amil azetatoa anhidrido azetikoa
ButadienoaPropilenoa, Azetilenoa, Ziklopropanoa, Koke-labearen gasaEpoxi Z-Alkanoa, Epoxi propanoa, Butadienoa, Etilenoa



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