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HowAreExplosion-ProofFluorescentLightsClassified|Produktuen Sailkapena

Produktuen Sailkapena

Nola sailkatzen dira leherketa-froga fluoreszenteak

Eztandako argi fluoreszenteak, a leading product in today’s explosion-proof lighting market, irizpide zehatzen arabera sailkatzen dira. Kategoria hauek ulertzea funtsezkoa da produktu egokia hautatzeko. Hona hemen matxura bat:

leherketa-froga argi lineala bpy51-ii-16

Formaren araberako sailkapena:

Hodi zuzeneko argi fluoreszenteak: Tradizionala luzea, hodi zilindrikoak.
Argi fluoreszenteak zirkularra: Begizta formakoa, zirkulu bat osatuz.
Compact Energy-Saving Fluorescent Lights: Smaller and designed for energy efficiency, suitable for compact spaces.

Classification by Structure:

Separated Ballast Fluorescent Lights: Featuring an external ballast.
Self-Ballasted Fluorescent Lights: Incorporating an integrated ballast within the light.
Adibidez, the T5 explosion-proof energy-saving light (including T8 to T5 models) falls under the category of straight tube, self-ballasted explosion-proof fluorescent lights.

These classifications, based on shape and structure, allow for customization to various environments, ensuring safety and efficiency in areas with lehergailua risks.



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