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WhatAretheVariousMarkingsonExplosion-ProofElectricalEquipment|Zehaztapen Teknikoak

Zehaztapen Teknikoak

Zeintzuk dira leherketa-frogako ekipo elektrikoen hainbat marka

Explosion-proof markings on electrical equipment represent the specific explosion-proof construction employed in these devices.

Leherketa-froga motaGas Eztandaren aurkako ikurraHautsaren eztandaren aurkako ikurra
Berez Seguru Motaia,ib,icia,ib,ic,iD
Mota barotropikoapx,py,pz,pxb,pyb,pZcor;pb,ordenagailua,pD
Segurtasun Mota Handituae,eb/
Suaren aurkako motad,db/
Olioan Murgilduta Motao/
Harea betetako moldeaq,qb/
N motakoanA,nC,nL,nR,nAc,nCc,nLc.,nRc/
Mota BereziaS/
Maskorraren babes mota/aurrez aurre,tb,tc,tD

These identifiers encompass a range of types, such as flameproof “d”, segurtasuna areagotu “e”, berezko segurtasuna “i”, oil-immersed “o”, harez beteta “q”, kapsulatua “m”, mota “n”, special type “s”, and designs for dust explosion-proofing, besteak beste.



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