Hartu zentral termiko baten adibidea. Desulfurazio- eta desnitrifikazio-unitatea bezalako arlo nagusiak, bateria gela ikatz meategietan, kable-tunela azidoa doitzeko gela, kimikoen dosifikazio gela, eta hidrogenoa ekoizteko estazioa, ikatza garraiatzeko sistema osoarekin batera — uhal garraiatzailearen zubia barne, transfer station crusher room, enclosed coal storage, and the fuel pump room — all necessitate the use of explosion-proof lights.
Applicability Across Various Industries
Explosion-proof lighting is not just limited to power plants. It’s also crucial in environments like chemical factories, gas likidotua geltokiak, pintura-dendak, various grinding and polishing workshops, coal preparation plants, grain silos, garbage facilities, fuel stations, irin errotak, fireworks and cracker manufacturing units, paint and oil storages, altzairu-fabrikak, paper factories, and coal mine passages. These are just a few examples where lehergailua gases or dust hazards exist, making the use of explosion-proof lights vital.
The above list highlights some of the many areas requiring explosion-proof lighting. Feel free to add to this list or share experiences in the comments below.