iVakabatabata ni cagi vakadinadinataki, kilai ena nodra gugumatua, veikauyaki, kei na veitaqomaki, era kilai levu ena kedra maliwa na dauvolivoli. O koya gona, me ikuri ni kena vakacurumi vakavinaka, na maroroi ni gugumatua ena kena vakayagataki e sa ka bibi sara. Ia e dodonu vakacava vua e dua me maroroya tiko e dua na ivakabatabata ni cagi e vakadinadinataka na kacabote ena veitabagauna eso?
Na maroroi ni tabanilotu oqo e sa vakaiwasewase. Vakatau ena buturara ni vakayagataki, na veiqaravi oqo e dodonu me tauri:
Ena gauna ni vakayagataki:
Me vakadeitaki na veisoliyaki vinaka ni cagi, samaka na itatarovi ni cagi ena veigauna kece 2 ki na 3 macawa. Vakamuria na idusidusi ni ivolavakarau me kau laivi, savata, ka barasitaka vakamalua ni bera ni vakatara me mamaca. Levea na vakayagataki ni veika me vakataka na benisini, waiwai veiveisau, iyaya acidic, se wai katakata e sivia na 40°C, ka kakua ni scrub ena barasi kaukauwa. Vakawasoma na kuvu ni soso mai na tobu e tautuba kei na mataveivosaki ena isulu malumu. Me kaukauwa cake na yalolailai, a mild soap solution or warm water below 45℃ can be used, then dried off with a soft cloth.
Before a shutdown:
Prior to an extended non-use period, dry the interior by setting the switch to the high wind setting and running the fan for 4 auwa. Oti sa qai, switch off the unit, unplug it, and cover the outdoor part with plastic to prevent dust and debris from entering. Indoors, use a decorative cover to keep out dust.
Before restarting:
Before you start using the unit each summer, remove the protective coverings and conduct a thorough cleaning and inspection. Following the manual, dismantle the necessary parts and clean them thoroughly, paying special attention to the evaporator and condenser fins. Ensure all wiring is secure and intact. After all checks are complete, reassemble, test the unit, and if all is well, it’s ready for use.
Properly installing and maintaining your ivakabatabata ni cagi-ivakadinadina ni kacabote is not just about preventing operational faults; it’s also about ensuring safety. Maintenance is as crucial as the installation itself. Failing to upkeep your explosion-proof air conditioner can significantly impact its performance and longevity.