24 Yabaki ni kacabote-ivakadinadina ni buli iyaya

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Digidigi ni iYau

Na Sala me Digitaki Kina na iVakaraitaki Veiganiti ni iVakabatabata ni Cagi ni Kacabote me baleta na iTuvaki Duidui ni Cakacaka

iVakabatabata ni cagi vakadinadinataki, e dau veirauti me ganita na veivanua rerevaki, era kunea taumada na nodra vanua ena tabana e rawa ni rawarawa ka kacabote me vaka na petrochemicals, mataivalu, veiqaravi vakavuniwai, kei na mamaroroi. They’re predominantly deployed in production areas, veikauyaki, kei na sika e gadrevi kina na lewai ni kacabote kaukauwa me maroroi kina na katakata ni vanua. The type of explosion-proof air conditioner is pivotal and varies with the industry it serves.

kacabote ni cagi ivakadinadina ni cagi
Identifiable through their distinctive explosion-proof markings, these air conditioners come in varieties such as Types IIA, IIB, kei na IIC, each suited for specific scenarios. According to our technical team’s insights, different explosion-proof air conditioners cater to distinct sectors:

iTuvatuva ni Kena Vakayagataki:

1. Types IIA and IIB are generally employed in sectors like petroleum, wainimate, mataivalu, kaukamea, wainimate, and power, where a certain moisture level is vital.

2. Type IIC is specifically designed for environments laden with highly flammable gases like hydrogen kei na acetylene.

3. For the unique demands of the mining industry, custom-made explosion-proof air conditioners are provided to ensure rigorous safety standards.

As industries evolve and hazardous work environments multiply, the prevalence of explosion-proof electrical devices, including air conditioners, has surged. Beyond just mitigating explosion risks, these air conditioners align with national energy-saving and emission-reducing policies, offering businesses a route to operational efficiency and environmental stewardship.

iTukutuku Taumada:


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