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TheDifferenceBetweenExplosion-ProofLevelATandCT|Veika Vakamisini

iTukutuku Vakamisini

Na Duidui ni iVakatagedegede ni Kacabote-ivakadinadina ena KEI na CT

Classes A and C denote locations where hazardous materials are stored, with a higher explosion-proof rating of CT.

Gas group/temperature groupT1T2T3T4T5T6
IIAFormaldehyde, toluene, methyl ester, acetylene, propane, acetone, acrylic acid, benzene, styrene, carbon monoxide, ethyl acetate, acetic acid, chlorobenzene, methyl acetate, chlorineMethanol, ethanol, ethylbenzene, propanol, propylene, butanol, butyl acetate, amyl acetate, cyclopentanePentane, pentanol, hexane, ethanol, heptane, octane, cyclohexanol, turpentine, naphtha, petroleum (including gasoline), fuel oil, pentanol tetrachlorideAcetaldehyde, trimethylamineEthyl nitrite
IIBPropylene ester, dimethyl etherButadiene, epoxy propane, ethyleneDimethyl ether, acrolein, hydrogen carbide
IICHydrogen, water gasAcetyleneCarbon disulfideEthyl nitrate

In China, Class A typically includes sites containing propane, whereas Class C encompasses areas with gases like hydrogen and acetylene.

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