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WhatShouldYouPayAttentiontoWhenUsingLEDExplosion-ProofLights|Veika e Gadrevi

Veika e Gadrevi me Vakasamataki

Na cava mo na vakarorogo kina ni ko vakayagataka na cina ni kacabote-ivakadinadina ni LED

Ni oti na volivoli mai na LED ni kacabote-ivakadinadina ni buli cina, e tiko e vica na vakasama ni cakacaka me vakadeitaki kina na veitaqomaki kei na tudei ena gauna ni kena vakayagataki.

liutaka na kacabote ivakadinadina rarama-2

1. Ivakarau ni katakata:

Nanuma tiko ni sa tubu cake na katakata, me vaka na kena tubu cake na ivakarau ni bula e tautuba e rawa ni vakalailaitaka na kena saqati e loma na ivurevure ni rarama NI LED. Kevaka e vakaukauataki mai na dua na ivurevure tudei ni idini, this can cause an increase in working current. If it exceeds the rated working current, it can affect the lifespan of the LED explosion-proof light, and in severe cases, “kama lako tani” the light source. O koya gona, it’s best to use a constant current source to ensure that the working current of the LED explosion-proof light is not affected by external temperatures.

2. DC Power Supply:

LED explosion-proof lights should be powered by a direct current source. Unlike explosion-proof searchlights and flashlights, some manufacturers use aresistance-capacitance reductionmethod to power LED products to reduce costs, which can directly impact the lifespan of the LED product. Using a dedicated switching power supply (preferably a constant current source) will not affect the product’s lifespan, though the cost may be relatively higher.

3. Sealing:

If LED explosion-proof lights are used outdoors, they face challenges with taqomaki ni wai and moisture-proof sealing. Poor handling can directly impact the product’s lifespan. Some high-quality manufacturers use traditional epoxy resinpottingmethods to seal LED products. While effective, this method can be cumbersome for larger LED products, unsuitable for some applications, and may increase the product’s weight.

4. Anti-static Measures:

During the manufacturing process of LED explosion-proof lights, the same processing methods as explosion-proof flashlights should be used to implement anti-static measures. Me kena ivakaraitaki, workbenches should be grounded, workers should wear anti-static clothing, rings, and gloves, and if possible, install anti-static ion fans. Me kena ikuri, maintaining workshop humidity around 65% is essential to prevent static electricity, especially since green LEDs are more susceptible to static electricity, electric fields, and currents, which are physical quantities produced by the presence or movement of electrical charges.

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