24 Jier Industrial Explosion-Proof Fabrikant

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com



Binne Tri-Proof Lights Explosion-Proof Lights

Tri-Proof Lights

Tri-proof lights are designed to be waterproof, stofdicht, en corrosie-resistant. Meastal, se kinne brûkt wurde yn omjouwings sûnder spesjale easken. lykwols, se binne net geskikt foar gebrûk yn omjouwings mei spesifike gefaren, lykas giftige gassen of sa no en dan gefaarlike gassen. Yn sokke gefallen, eksploazjebestindige ljochten moatte wurde keazen.

tri-proof ljocht

Eksploazjebestindige ljochten

Explosion-proof lights are those that do not produce sparks. They are used in hazardous locations with flammable Gassen en stof, preventing ignition of the surrounding atmosphere by electric arcs, sparken, en hege temperatueren, dêrmei foldwaan eksploazje-proof easken.

There are many types of explosion-proof lights, including LED explosion-proof lights, flamproof ljochten, explosion-proof floodlights, explosion-proof spotlights, explosion-proof fluorescent lights, and explosion-proof streetlights.

Dêrom, before making a purchase, it’s crucial to understand the surrounding environment and then decide accordingly.



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