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WhichOneHastheHigherExplosion-ProofLevel,BT4orCT4|Sonraíochtaí Teicniúla

Sonraíochtaí Teicniúla

Cé acu ceann a bhfuil an leibhéal is airde cruthúnas pléascadh aige, BT4 nó CT4

The explosion-proof classification of CT4 equipment surpasses that of BT4 equipment.

Aicme Agus LeibhéalTeocht Adhaint Agus Grúpa
IIAEatán, Própán, Aicéatón, Feineitil, Éinne, Aimínbheinséin, Tolúéin, Beinséin, Amóinia, Aonocsaíd Charbóin, Aicéatáit Eitile, Aigéad AicéiteachBútán, Eatánól, Próipiléin, Bútánól, Aigéad Aicéiteach, Eistir Búitile, Amyl Aicéatáit Ainhidríd AicéiteachPeinteán, Heacsán, Heiptín, Decane, Ochtan, Gásailín, Sulfíd Hidrigin, Cioclaiheacsán, Gásailín, Ceirisín, Díosal, PeitriliamÉitear, Aicéatildéad, TrimethylamineNítrít eitile
IIBPróipiléin, Aicéitiléine, Ciclopropane, Gás Oighinn ChóicEapocsa Z-alcáin, Própán eapocsa, Bútaidhé-éin, EitiléinÉitear démheitiol, Iseapréin, Sulfíd HidriginDiaitileitr, Éitear débutyl
IICGás Uisce, HidriginAicéitiléineDisulfide CarbóinNíotráit Eitile

BT4 is classified as a Class B temperature group, where the maximum surface temperature of T4-rated devices does not exceed 135°C. CT4 holds a Class C explosion-proof rating, comparable to BT4, and is suitable for environments with hazardous gases such as hydrogen and acetylene, maintaining a maximum surface temperature of 135°C.

Scope of Use

BT4 is suitable for common gases including methane, ethane, peitriliam, agus hidrigin sulfide.

CT4 encompasses a broader range of less common pléascach gáis, such as hydrogen and water gas at the CT1 level, acetylene at the CT2 level, and carbon disulfide at the CT4 level.

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