An téarma “pléascadh-cruthúnas” do lucht leanúna druma tagraíonn a ndearadh a leithlisíonn comhpháirteanna leictreacha atá in ann Sparks a ghiniúint, stuanna, agus teochtaí guaiseacha ó na meascáin gháis phléascacha máguaird le linn oibríochta. Cinntíonn an dearadh seo freisin nach dtáirgtear aon Sparks nuair a bhíonn cásanna speisialta ina gcúis le frithchuimilt leis an gcásáil lucht leanúna, thus maintaining safe production practices.
Explosion-proof drum fans are generally categorized into two types: one with both the casing and the impeller made of aluminum alloy and powered by explosion-proof motors; and another where the casing is made of iron sheet or stainless steel with an aluminum alloy impeller, also powered by explosion-proof motors. The use of aluminum alloy in friction areas prevents ignition, fulfilling explosion-proof requirements.
Go hiondúil, explosion-proof motors like BT4 and CT4 are used, with customization options available for high-temperature resistance, friotaíocht creimeadh, and variable frequency. These drum fans are ideal for flammable and explosive environments, ar nós gás nádúrtha iompair.