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AnalysisofEmergencyLightinginExplosion-ProofLights|Sònrachaidhean Teicnigeach

Sònrachaidhean Teicnigeach

Mion-sgrùdadh air solais èiginneach ann an solais dìon-spreadhaidh

Emergency lighting for explosion-proof environments primarily includes standby lighting, safety lighting, evacuation lighting, and emergency rescue lighting. When selecting products, it’s crucial to choose with care. Gu h-ìosal, we outline the key parameters for each type of emergency lighting, including illumination levels, switch-over times, and continuous power supply durations.

1. Standby Lighting:

Standby lighting is used temporarily in case of normal lighting failure due to malfunctions.

Illumination: Should not be less than 10% of the standard lighting levels. In critical areas like high-rise building fire control rooms, pump rooms, smoke extraction rooms, distribution rooms, and emergency power rooms, standby lighting must ensure normal operations.

Switch-over Time: Should not exceed 15 diog, and for business premises, it should be less than 1.5 diog.

Connection Time: Typically not less than 20-30 minutes for production workshops, with communication hubs and substations requiring connection until normal lighting is restored. High-rise fire control centers generally require 1-2 uairean.

2. Safety Lighting:

Safety lighting is designed to ensure the safety of individuals in hazardous situations following the failure of regular lighting.

Illumination: Anns an fharsaingeachd, it should not fall below 5% of normal lighting levels. For particularly hazardous areas, it must not be less than 10%. Medical and emergency care areas, such as emergency centers and operating rooms, require standard illumination levels.

Switch-over Time: Must not exceed 0.5 diog.

Continuous Power Duration: Determined as needed, typically around 10 minutes for workshops and several hours for operating rooms.

3. Evacuation Lighting:

Evacuation lighting is activated to facilitate safe evacuation in case of an incident leading to normal lighting failure.

Illumination: Not less than 0.5 lux; if using fluorescent lights, the brightness should be appropriately increased.

Switch-over Time: Not more than 1 an dàrna.

Continuous Power Duration: At least 20 minutes for battery-powered systems, and for buildings over 100m high, at least 30 mionaidean.

4. Emergency Rescue Lighting:

Emergency lighting refers to the systems used by factories, businesses, and public institutions under special circumstances.

Illumination: Varies based on the site environment and scope of use, with different luminous flux levels selected to meet emergency lighting needs.

Feartan: Most emergency lighting devices are explosion-proof, uisge-dhìonach, agus an aghaidh creimeadh, functioning well in harsh conditions, including corrosive environments, heavy rain, and dusty settings, and are highly resistant to impacts and vibrations.

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