A bharrachd air seòrsachadh dìon-spreadhaidh, Tha solais dìon-spreadhaidh LED cuideachd air an rangachadh airson an comasan an-aghaidh creimeadh. Mar as trice bidh na sònrachaidhean dìon-spreadhaidh a’ roinn ann an dà roinn: IIB agus IIC. Bidh a’ mhòr-chuid de sholais LED a’ coinneachadh ris an ìre IIC nas cruaidhe.
A thaobh frith-chreimeadh, the ratings are bifurcated into two levels for indoor environments and three levels for outdoor settings. Indoor anti-corrosion levels include F1 for moderate and F2 for high resistance. For outdoor conditions, the classifications are W for light corrosion resistance, WF1 for moderate, and WF2 for high corrosion resistance.
This detailed classification ensures that lighting fixtures are tailored to specific environmental conditions, enhancing both safety and longevity.