Bu chòir do luchd-obrachaidh aire a thoirt do na puingean a leanas nuair a bhios iad a’ cruinneachadh uidheamachd a tha sàbhailte gu gnèitheach:
Dèan cinnteach gun tèid bùird cuairteachaidh clò-bhuailte a-staigh a chuir an sàs gu earbsach:
Bu chòir stàladh bùird cuairteachaidh clò-bhuailte a-staigh a chuir gu bàs gu tèarainte gus an gnìomhachd agus an sàbhailteachd a chumail suas.
Ceanglaichean uèirleas a-staigh tèarainte:
It’s crucial to ensure that all internal wiring connections are firmly secured, preventing any potential disconnections or malfunctions.
Maintain Adequate Protection Level of Enclosures:
The protection level of sàbhailte gu bunaiteach enclosures should not be less than IP20, while the safety protection level for mining equipment should be at least IP54.
Installation Compliance with GB3836.18-2010:
The installation of intrinsically safe systems must comply with GB3836.18-2010 “Spreadhach Atmospheres – Pàirt 18: Intrinsic Safety ‘I’ Systems” requirements.
Ensure Reliable Grounding of Safety Barriers:
Safety barriers must be effectively grounded to ensure proper functioning and safety.