બજાર વિવિધ પ્રકારની એલઇડી વિસ્ફોટ-પ્રૂફ લાઇટોથી છલકાઇ ગયું છે, દરેક વિવિધ ઉત્પાદકો પાસેથી વિવિધ વિશિષ્ટતાઓ સાથે. તેથી, ઉત્પાદનોની આ વિશાળ શ્રેણીમાંથી કોઈ કેવી રીતે પસંદ કરે છે? કારણ કે LED લાઇટિંગ ફિક્સરના પ્રદર્શનનું મૂલ્યાંકન કરવા માટે ચોક્કસ બેન્ચમાર્ક છે, here’s a special guide to assist in the procurement process and help avoid losses in lighting projects due to inappropriate sourcing.
1. રંગ રેન્ડરીંગ ઇન્ડેક્સ (CRI):
Before purchasing, it’s crucial to check the product specifications or ask the sales representative about the CRI. સામાન્ય રીતે, LED lights with a CRI between RA80 and 100 exhibit excellent color performance; those between RA50 and 79 have average color performance, while lights with a CRI below Ra50 have relatively poor color rendering. તેથી, it’s advisable to select LED lighting fixtures with a high CRI.
2. Avoid Glare:
Glare significantly impacts the quality of lighting and should be minimized. Opt for lights that do not produce glare. આદર્શ રીતે, choose fixtures with frosted diffusers that emit a soft, even light.
3. Overall Luminous Efficiency of LED Lighting Fixtures:
આ “luminous efficiency” of a finished LED light is the total luminous flux emitted by the LED under rated voltage divided by the total power consumed, measured in lumens per watt (lm/W). The higher this value, the better the energy-saving effect, and the less electricity used. તેથી, choose LED lighting fixtures with high lumens per watt (preferably greater than 80 lm/W; દાખલા તરીકે, fixtures with an efficacy of ≥85 lm/W are a good choice).
4. LED Temperature Rise:
લાક્ષણિક રીતે, the permissible તાપમાન rise for LED lights in use is between 25℃ to 30℃. ખાસ કરીને, the temperature on the LED’s heatsink is the ambient temperature plus the allowable temperature rise. That means, if the ambient temperature is 37℃, the temperature on the LED heatsink should be 67℃ (37℃+30℃). If it exceeds this, the temperature rise is considered non-compliant. Heat is the enemy of LED performance; the less heat produced, the higher the luminous efficiency of the LED light. વધુમાં, a rapid rise in temperature on the heatsink indicates high thermal conductivity and low thermal resistance of the LED lighting fixture.
5. LED Lifespan:
The initial luminous flux of a new light is 100%. સમય જતાં, the luminous efficiency of the light will decrease. The lifespan of an LED is the time it takes for its luminous flux to reduce to 70% of the initial flux. Naturally, the longer the better. દાખલા તરીકે, LEDs from reputable brands can last over 30,000 કલાક, which is especially convenient for large-scale lighting projects.
These are the tips for selecting LED explosion-proof lights. આશા છે, this guide will assist you in making informed decisions.