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WhatShouldYouPayAttentiontoWhenInstallingExplosion-ProofFlexibleConnectingPipes|Ƙayyadaddun shigarwa

Ƙayyadaddun shigarwa

Me Ya Kamata Ku Kula Da Lokacin Shigar Fashe-Tabbacin Samfuran Haɗa Bututu

1. Don zaɓar hanya don haɗawa tare da magudanar ruwa mai sassauƙan fashewa, mataki na farko shine tabbatar da girman zaren a duka ƙarshen kebul ɗin.

fashewa hujja m bututu shigarwa-3
2. Lokacin waya, ya kamata a shigar da kebul a cikin magudanar ruwa, and the explosion-proof fittings at both ends should be tightened to secure the connection between the cable and the equipment.

3. For securing the explosion-proof hose, use the live connectors on the explosion-proof flexible conduit to tighten against the equipment. The opposite end of the hose should also be secured to prevent any operational disruptions due to prolonged exposure.

4. To ensure smooth operation of the equipment, operators must have all necessary materials for the pipeline connectors ready to facilitate smooth installation and prevent delays due to unpreparedness.


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