विस्फोट रोधी पंखों का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य पंखे को फटने से रोकना नहीं है, बल्कि उत्पादन वातावरण में धूल के विस्फोट को रोकने के लिए. कुछ उद्योगों में, प्रक्रियाएं ज्वलनशील और विस्फोटक धूल उत्पन्न करती हैं, जैसे धातु या कोयले की धूल. To prevent these kinds of dust from becoming airborne during production, exhaust systems are commonly used for suction and collection.
During this process, friction or sparks in the fan could be extremely hazardous. इस तरह, the necessity for explosion-proof fans, which are specially designed and made from materials different from standard fans.
1. Explosion-proof fans are equipped with aluminum impellers, primarily to prevent sparks generated by friction between the impeller and the fan casing.
2. These fans must be powered by explosion-proof motors to ensure safe operation in potentially hazardous environments.