Methane thiab carbon monoxide tsis cuam tshuam txog tshuaj lom neeg.
Thaum sib tov thiab teem lub teeb, lawv tsuas hlawv ntsiag to qhov twg lawv ntsib huab cua, tsis muaj kev tawg.
Methane thiab carbon monoxide tsis cuam tshuam txog tshuaj lom neeg.
Thaum sib tov thiab teem lub teeb, lawv tsuas hlawv ntsiag to qhov twg lawv ntsib huab cua, tsis muaj kev tawg.
Ua ntej: Yuav Carbon Monoxide Explode Thaum Ignition
Tom ntej no: Yuav Impure Carbon Monoxide Explode yog Ignited