23 Xyoo Industrial Explosion-Proof Chaw tsim tshuaj paus

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Technical Specifications

Yuav Siv Cov Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob Li Cas

Qee tus neeg yuav khoom tawg-pov thawj portable teeb, uas feem ntau tuaj txog disassembled. Qhov no ua kom lawv txoj kev ncaj ncees thaum mus txog qhov chaw, tiv thaiv cov khoom tawg vim kev sib tsoo ntawm kev sib tsoo. Yog tag nrho ua ke, cov neeg siv yuav ncaj qha siv lawv yam tsis tau tshuaj xyuas cov khoom kom huv si, muaj peev xwm ua rau kev siv tsis raug thiab txo qis kev ua haujlwm.

explosion proof mobile lights
Cov lus qhia siv:

1. Installation Preparation:

Determine the light’s installation location and method based on actual needs at the work site. Prepare a three-core cable (Φ8–Φ14 mm) of the necessary length, measured from the light socket to the power source.

2. Wiring the Ballast:

Open the ballast’s end cover and loosen the cable gland at the cable entry point. Thread the light’s cable and the power wire through the gland into the ballast to the terminal block, connect and secure them, then tighten the cable gland and fasten the ballast’s end cover.

3. Mounting:

Install the light fixture and ballast at the predetermined location. Connect the other end of the ballast’s input cable and power up with a 220V source for illumination.

4. Adjusting Orientation:

Loosen the bottom screw of the lamp bracket to rotate it 360° left or right to adjust the lighting direction. Loosen the screws on the sides of the bracket to adjust the lamp head’s angle up or down as needed for optimal illumination, then retighten the screws.

5. Replacing the Bulb:

To replace the bulb, use an appropriate screwdriver or tool to insert into the holes on the two protruding parts of the front cover. Rotate inwardly to remove the cover, replace the faulty bulb with a new one.

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