24 Godina Industrijski proizvođač zaštićen od eksplozije

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Samosigurno sklapanje

Operateri trebaju obratiti pozornost na sljedeće točke kada sastavljaju svojstveno sigurnu opremu:

Intrinzično siguran sklop

Osigurajte pouzdanu ugradnju unutarnjih tiskanih ploča:

Instalacija unutarnjih tiskanih ploča treba biti sigurno izvedena kako bi se održala njihova funkcionalnost i sigurnost.

Sigurne interne veze ožičenja:

It’s crucial to ensure that all internal wiring connections are firmly secured, preventing any potential disconnections or malfunctions.

Maintain Adequate Protection Level of Enclosures:

The protection level of intrinzično siguran enclosures should not be less than IP20, while the safety protection level for mining equipment should be at least IP54.

Installation Compliance with GB3836.18-2010:

The installation of intrinsically safe systems must comply with GB3836.18-2010Eksplozivno Atmospheres – Dio 18: Intrinsic Safety ‘ISystemsrequirements.

Ensure Reliable Grounding of Safety Barriers:

Safety barriers must be effectively grounded to ensure proper functioning and safety.



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