Električna oprema otporna na eksploziju neophodna je u opasnim okruženjima, ali nedostatak sveobuhvatnog održavanja s vremenom ga može pretvoriti u rizik, negirajući njegovu preventivnu svrhu.
1. Provesti pregled općih inspekcijskih postupaka.
2. Procijenite razvodne kutije, uređaji dolazne linije, zaštitne brtvene kutije, kutne spojnice za nepropusnost, sigurna montaža, and adherence to explosion-proof standards.
3. Evaluate the level of corrosion on motors, električni uređaji, instrument panels, and the equipment itself, ensuring screws are securely fastened and interlock mechanisms function properly.
4. For oil-immersed explosion-proof equipment, verify that oil level indicators, drainage systems, and gas venting structures remain clear and leak-free, with an installation incline not exceeding 5 stupnjeva.
5. Ensure that the internal air pressure of pressurized explosion-proof equipment meets or exceeds the values indicated on the equipment label, and that the pressure cut-off alarm system is responsive.
6. Check cables for looseness, vibration-induced damage, and signs of corrosion.
7. Beyond explosion-proof specifications, maintain the equipment in optimum condition in accordance with general electrical equipment standards.