Robbanásbiztos túlnyomásos szekrény, pozitív nyomású, robbanásbiztos elosztószekrényként is ismert, van a type of distribution cabinet designed for hazardous environments. Robbanásbiztos tulajdonságokkal rendelkezik, korrózióálló, pormentes, vízálló, és hőelvezető funkciók. A szekrény IP65 védelmi besorolással és Ex px IIC T6 robbanásbiztos besorolással büszkélkedhet.
Basic Structure:
A robbanásbiztos túlnyomásos szekrény utilizes a GGD-type cabinet structure, divided into two main sections: the positive pressure chamber and the control chamber, with wiring rooms included. Depending on their relative positions, these cabinets are available in three different shapes: függőleges (top and bottom), vízszintes (balra és jobbra), and piano-type structures. The opening method varies with the structure; the vertical cabinets have front and rear doors, with the upper and middle sections serving as the pozitív nyomás chambers and the lower section as the control chamber. The horizontal cabinets feature left-right and front-back opening doors, while the piano-type cabinets have side and rear openings.
Internal Structure:
Belsőleg, the explosion-proof positive pressure cabinet uses a baseplate mounting approach, equipped with cable trays and operating mechanisms. Its layout can be customized based on the installed instruments and electrical components. The cabinet is made of carbon steel with a powder coating, 2.5mm thick, vagy 304 stainless steel with a brushed finish, also 2.5mm thick, coated with explosion-proof anti-fingerprint paint. The fasteners and door handles are made of 316 rozsdamentes acél, featuring a protective door with explosion-proof glass windows.