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CanGasExplosion-ProofBeUsedforDustExplosion-Proof|Lingkup yang Berlaku

Ruang Lingkup yang Berlaku

Bisakah Gas Explosion-Proof Digunakan untuk Debu Explosion-Proof

It’s essential to understand that gas and dust explosion-proof equipment adhere to different execution standards. Perangkat tahan ledakan gas disertifikasi menurut standar tahan ledakan listrik nasional GB3836, sementara peralatan tahan ledakan debu mengikuti standar GB12476.

debu industri
Peralatan tahan ledakan gas cocok untuk lingkungan dengan gas yang mudah terbakar dan meledak, such as chemical plants and gas stations. Di sisi lain, dust explosion-proof equipment is specifically designed for areas with a high concentration of debu yang mudah terbakar.



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