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Explosion-ProofAxialFanMaintenanceGuide|Metode Pemeliharaan

Metode Perawatan

Panduan Perawatan Kipas Aksial Tahan Ledakan

1. Pastikan katup pengaman pada kipas aksial tahan ledakan responsif; jika tidak responsif, sesuaikan untuk menjamin pengoperasian yang aman.

Bukti Ledakan Aliran Aksial Kipas-1
2. Periksa apakah ada kebocoran oli atau kebocoran udara; segera hubungi pabrikan jika ini tidak dapat diperbaiki.

3. Jaga kebersihan lingkungan untuk kipas angin, keeping the fan’s surface, and its intake and exhaust clear of obstructions. Routinely remove any dust and debris from the fan and its ductwork.

4. Axial fans require a sufficient and stable power supply, with dedicated power lines.

5. Replace bearing grease as needed based on usage or at irregular intervals, ensuring the fan is well-lubricated during operation; lubrication should occur at least once every 1000 hours for sealed and motor bearings.

6. Keep the fan in a dry location to protect the motor from moisture.

7. Should the fan operate abnormally, cease operation and conduct repairs promptly.

Always follow the manual when operating an explosion-proof axial fan to ensure it is maintained properly and operates efficiently.



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