24 Mgbawa ụlọ ọrụ afọ-Onye nrụpụta ihe

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HowtoChoosetheCircuitforInstallingLEDExplosion-ProofLights|Usoro nwụnye

Usoro ntinye

Otu esi ahọrọ sekit maka ịwụnye ọkụ mgbawa LED

Iji hụ na nrụnye dị mma na nke dị irè nke ọkụ mgbawa ọkụ ọkụ, it’s crucial to consider the following points while selecting the electrical wiring:

installation of explosion-proof lights

1. Nhọrọ ebe:

Sekit kwesịrị ịdị na mpaghara nwere obere ihe egwu mgbawa ma ọ bụ pụọ na isi mmalite mgbanye.

2. Usoro waya:

Na gburugburu mgbawa, the primary wiring methods include using explosion-proof steel conduits and cable wiring.

3. Kewapụ na akara:

For circuits and protective conduits, eriri, or steel pipes passing through walls or slabs separating different explosion hazard levels, non-combustible materials should be used for tight sealing.

4. Choice of Conductor Material:

For areas categorized under explosion hazard level 1, copper wires or cables should be used. In scenarios with severe vibrations, multi-stranded copper core cables or wires are recommended. Aluminum core power cables are not suitable for underground coal mines.

In explosion hazard level 2 gburugburu, power lines should be made of aluminum wires or cables with a cross-sectional area greater than 4mm², and lighting circuits should have a cross-sectional area of 2.5mm², placed above the aluminum core wires or cables.

5. Allowable Current Carrying Capacity:

Maka mpaghara 1 na 2, the chosen cross-sections of insulated wires and cables should have a conductive capacity not less than 1.25 times the rated current of the fuse and the setting current of the long-time overcurrent release of the circuit breaker.

The permissible current capacity for branch circuits of low-voltage squirrel cage asynchronous motors should not be less than 1.25 times the rated current of the motor.

6. Electrical Circuit Connections:

1. The intermediate connections of circuits in zones 1 na 2 must be near explosion-proof junction or connection boxes compatible with the hazardous environment. Mpaghara 1 should use flameproof junction boxes, while zone 2 can utilize ụba nchekwa type junction boxes.

2. If aluminum core cables or wires are selected for zone 2 sekit, the connections must be reliable to facilitate easy installation and maintenance by users.

This guidance aims to assist in selecting the appropriate wiring for installing LED explosion-proof lights, n'ịhụ ma nchekwa na arụ ọrụ.

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