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HowtoUseExplosion-ProofAirConditionersSafely|Nkọwa mmezi

Nkọwa nlekọta

Otu esi eji ihe mkpuchi ikuku na-egosi na ọ nweghị nchekwa

Igwe ntụ oyi na-egbochi mgbawa abụrụla ihe dị mkpa n'ahịa taa, ma nghọta zuru oke nke ojiji ha ka dị ụkọ n'etiti ndị ọrụ. Iji gbochie ihe mberede nwere ike iji ngwaọrụ ndị a ọkaibe, ịmụta nkà nke ịrụ ọrụ nchekwa dị mkpa. Let’s delve into some crucial practices.

ihe mgbawa ikuku ikuku-18

1. Ihe ndị dị mkpa maka nchekwa nchekwa:

The safety harness is a vital protective gear required for high-altitude installations and cleaning operations of explosion-proof air conditioners, crucial for ensuring the personal safety of technicians. Comprising waist belts, shoulder straps, leg straps, safety ropes, and buckles, usually crafted from cotton yarn, it’s designed for utmost security. The waist belt should encircle the hips, with shoulder straps over each shoulder and leg straps around the thighs, ensuring all connections are secure. If the safety rope isn’t sufficiently long, it’s permissible to connect multiple ropes. It’s critical to ensure the belt is tightly fastened and undergoes regular checks for integrity, replacing it promptly when necessary.

2. Refrigerant Management:

Standard explosion-proof heat pump air conditioners typically utilize refrigerants like R22, R407C, or R410A, with R22 being the most common. Agbanyeghị, R22 is known for its ozone-depleting potential and contribution to the greenhouse effect, making it a refrigerant in transition towards phase-out. Agbanyeghị, R407C and R410A are still considered greenhouse gases. Ya mere, it’s paramount to recover the refrigerant before dismantling or servicing the refrigeration system to prevent environmental pollution. Ọzọkwa, refrigerants like R22, when exposed to open flames, release toxic phosgene gas. Ya mere, it’s crucial to avoid using open flames when welding refrigeration system pipes during repairs, ensuring the safety of technicians and the environment.

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