24 Ár Iðnaðarsprengingarþolinn framleiðandi

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Eiginleikar og hættur brennsluvara

Carbon dioxide (CO2)Colorless and odorlessWhen the concentration is between 7% og 10%, it suffocates and causes death
Vatn (H2O)Steam
Kolmónoxíð (CO)Colorless, lyktarlaust, highly toxic, eldfimtDeath caused by concentration of 0.5% innan 20-30 mínútur
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)Colorless and odorlessShort term death caused by 0.05% einbeiting
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)Causing cough and vomiting
Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)SmellyShort term death caused by 0.05% einbeiting
Smoke and smokeVaries by composition

Handan vatnsgufu, meirihluti aukaafurða frá bruna eru skaðlegar.

Reykský skyggni, flækja rýmingartilraunir við eldsvoða með því að hylja sjónar. Mikil hitauppstreymi og geislun frá háhitabrennslu getur kveikt í fleiri eldfimum efnum, hrygningu nýrra kveikjustaða, og gæti hugsanlega valdið sprengingum. Residues from complete brennsla exhibit flame-retardant properties. Combustion halts when carbon dioxide levels hit 30%.



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