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+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com



Kynning á forskriftum fyrir sprengivörn þræðingarkassa

Specifications and Types

Sprengiheldir þræðiboxar koma í ýmsum gerðum: Beint í gegn, tvíhliða, þríhliða, og fjórhliða kassa. Tvíhliða sprengiheldir þræðiboxar, fer eftir stefnu úttaksins, má frekar flokka í vinstri, rétt, bakhlið beygjast, og hornbeygjur. Á sama hátt, þríhliða kassar innihalda einnig þríhliða hönnun að aftan.

explosion proof threading boxes-3

Thread Sizes

These variations are due to the structural differences in the boxesdesigns. When purchasing explosion-proof threading boxes, it’s crucial to consider the standard thread sizes of the conduits, which influence the size of the threading boxes. There are several thread standards in the market, such as DN15/DN20/DN25, corresponding to G1/2, G3/4, G1 sizes in threading boxes.

The market pricing of explosion-proof threading boxes is based on their structural types and conduit thread standards. Þannig, it’s imperative for buyers to specify the number of ways and the size standards of the threading boxes they require.



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