23 Ár Iðnaðarsprengingarþolinn framleiðandi

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com



Hverjir eru kostir sprengiþolinna yfirþrýstingsskápa

1. Fjölhæfur uppbygging:

Hægt er að sníða hönnun sprengivarnar þrýstiskápa að sérstökum þörfum, gerir ráð fyrir ýmsum stillingum eins og lóðréttum, lárétt, eða skipulag í stjórnborðsstíl.

sprengiþolinn jákvæður þrýstiskápur-1

2. Stöðugur árangur:

Byggt á sprengivörnum meginreglum, meðan sprenging er leyfileg í eldföstum vélum, það er ekki í jákvæðum þrýstingsvélum. Þannig, in flameproof types, an explosion can damage components. Aftur á móti, jákvæður þrýstingur types will cut off the power supply without damaging components when pressure is lost.

3. High Feasibility:

For large-sized components, eldfast design is not feasible, making explosion-proof positive pressure cabinets a suitable choice. This is because, for larger components, implementing positive pressure explosion protection is easier compared to flameproof methods.

4. Touch Screen Compatibility:

Equipped with touch screens that require finger operation, which is unfeasible in flameproof models, explosion-proof positive pressure cabinets can utilize non-explosion-proof touch screens.

5. Exceptional Cooling Ability:

Explosion-proof positive pressure cabinets can achieve cooling through increased ventilation or by installing screen cabinets with coolers, explosion-proof air conditioners, and other methods.



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