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Hvað á að gera ef sprengiheld loftræsting er með undarlega lykt


Over a prolonged period, sprengiheld loftræstitæki safna ryki í innandyra og koparsíur, sem leiðir til lyktarvandamála. Þegar það er virkjað, þessi lykt dreifast út í loftið. Þar að auki, raki situr oft inni í einingunni eftir kælingu. Án fullnægjandi þurrkunar og mygluvarna, the air conditioner’s abrupt shutdown perpetuates this dampness, eventually culminating in a persistent musty smell.

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Í slíkum tilfellum, what’s the best course of action? For newer air conditioners with mere dust on panels and vents, a simple wipe-down by users suffices. Removing and rinsing the filter with water can swiftly eliminate odors. For older units, engaging a professional after-sales cleaning service is advisable for a comprehensive cleanse, enhancing air quality and freshness.



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