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HowtoChooseExplosion-ProofOperationColumn|Pilihan Produk

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Cara Pilih Kolom Operasi Explosion-Proof

Nalika nerangake milih stasiun kontrol bledosan-bukti cocok, ana sawetara aspèk tombol kanggo nimbang. Pangerten iki bisa nuntun sampeyan kanggo nggawe pilihan informed.

kolom operasi bukti bledosan lcz8030-15


Ana macem-macem model kasedhiya, kayata BZC, LBZ, LNZ, lsp. Nalika model iki beda-beda, their control principles and installation wiring are broadly similar. It’s essential to choose based on your specific needs.


The materials used in these stations vary and include stainless steel with a corrosion resistance grade of WF2, engineering plastics also rated at WF2 for corrosion resistance, and aluminum alloy known for its excellent explosion-proof properties.


Understanding the units in a control station is crucial. Many people aren’t aware of what these units represent. Contone, ‘Adenotes the number of buttons; ‘Dindicates the number of indicator lights; ‘Bsignifies the number of ammeters; ‘Rrepresents the number of potentiometers; ‘Kis for the number of changeover switches (two or three positions); ‘Lfor vertical mounting; and ‘Gfor hanging installation.



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