1. Ing njero piranti, sambungan antarane macem-macem komponen kudu nggunakke kabel terisolasi inti tembaga, sing bisa dadi kabel utawa kabel standar. This wiring’s insulation needs to adhere to the equipment’s rated voltage criteria, lan kapasitas kanggo aliran saiki lan panas generasi kudu selaras karo standar ditetepake, similar to the requirements for intrinsically safe electrical devices.
2. Wires within the equipment must be routed to avoid any contact with parts that are either high-temperature or mobile.
3. Internal wiring should be tidily arranged and securely bundled. Nanging, it’s imperative that intrinsik aman wiring is not bundled together with other types of wires. ‘Tidily arranged’ implies that each wire in the bundle should avoid crossing or tangling with others.
4. Standar, unshielded high-frequency wires should not be installed parallel to other wires.
5. Intermediate connections or joints are not permissible on internal wiring.