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TheDifferenceBetweenExplosion-ProofLevelBTandCT|Spesifikasi Teknis

Spesifikasi Teknis

Bentenipun Antarane Explosion-Proof Level BT lan CT

Rating bledosan-bukti:

Peralatan tahan bledosan kanthi rating CT4 diklasifikasikake minangka Exd IIC T4. Peralatan bledosan BT4 dirating minangka Exd IIB T4, sing rating bledosan-bukti luwih murah tinimbang peralatan CT4.

Kategori KondisiKlasifikasi GasGas perwakilanEnergi Spark Ignition Minimal
Ing TambangakuMetana0.280mJ
Pabrik ing njaba TambangIIApropana0.180mJ


CT nduweni jangkoan paling jembar saka aplikasi.

Lingkungan gas:

CT is an explosion-proof rating for acetylene and hidrogen levels. If there are gases like acetylene or hydrogen in the environment, CT-rated explosion-proof equipment is required. BT-rated equipment is not suitable for acetylene environments and is only considered a moderate explosion-proof level.



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