24 Produsen Tahan Ledakan Industri Taun

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Lingkup ditrapake

Apa Keperluan Lampu Anti-bledosan ing Gudang Cilik

Dhuwur gudang cilik biasane ora ngluwihi telung meter. Ing setelan kasebut, Apike kanggo milih kanggo low-powered, lampu bledosan-bukti LED langit-langit karo amba katerangan amba.

Such ceiling-mounted fittings won’t obstruct the arrangement of items in the warehouse. Low-powered lights with a broad beam angle offer gentle illumination, minimizing eye strain and work interruptions. Menapa malih, LED lights are noted for their energy efficiency and extended lifespan, contributing to lowered maintenance expenses.



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