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WhatIstheIdealTemperatureSettingforanExplosion-ProofAirConditionerinWinter|Spesifikasi Teknis

Spesifikasi Teknis

Apa Setelan Suhu Becik kanggo Air Conditioner sing Tahan Jeblugan ing Musim Dingin

Kerep, wong takon babagan kapasitas pemanasan AC sing tahan bledosan ing musim dingin lan setelan suhu optimal kanggo fungsi pemanasan.. Ing kasunyatan, ngramut suhu dadi panas saka kahanan bledosan-bukti antarane 18 ~ 20 ℃ becik. Iku njamin comfort, nyilikake beda suhu njero ruangan ruangan, ngirit energi, and prevents the increased power consumption associated with higher temperatures.

Kondisi Terkosioner Utang-20
As the chilly winter season approaches, many users turn to explosion-proof air conditioners for warmth to stave off the cold. Nanging, setting the suhu is an art; too much heat can be intolerable.

It’s common knowledge that in the summer, explosion-proof air conditioners are set between 26~28℃, but what about in the winter? Experts recommend a winter setting of 18~20℃ for explosion-proof air conditioners, as people usually wear more layers during the cold. Setting the temperature too high could lead to discomfort and a significant temperature differential between indoors and outdoors, increasing the likelihood of catching a cold upon exiting. Menapa malih, continuous operation of the external unit escalates the energy consumption of the bledosan-bukti AC.



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