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KeyPointsforSelectingthePowerofLEDExplosion-ProofLightsinGasStations|Назар аударуды қажет ететін мәселелер

Назар аударуды қажет ететін мәселелер

Жанармай құю станцияларындағы жарылыстан қорғалған жарықдиодты шамдардың қуатын таңдаудың негізгі нүктелері

Determining the optimal wattage for LED explosion-proof lights at gas stations to achieve sufficient brightness while being cost-effective and durable can be challenging for many. With an abundance of inquiries and varying explanations online, here’s a simplified guide to making the right choice:

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Негізгі ойлар:

Біріншіден, it’s essential to understand that solely focusing on wattage is misleading. Different brands offer varying brightness and beam angles at the same wattage. Мысалы, while the general market brightness is around 90 Lumens per Watt (LM/W), our company’s LED canopy lights offer 120-150 LM/W. Сондықтан, a 100-watt light typically provides 9,000 Lumens (90 LM/W x 100W), but our lights offer 12,000 Lumens (120 LM/W x 100W), қайсысы 30% brighter.

Екіншіден, avoid LED gas station lights that cause glare or dazzle. Мысалы, lights with integrated large LED bulbs can be overwhelming and unsuitable for gas stations, compromising the safety of vehicles entering the station. Lights that cause side glare should also be avoided as their distribution is not suitable for gas stations and can affect drivers.

These insights are from a professional standpoint. Дегенмен, most people choose lights based on their budget. Сонымен, let’s discuss from a traditional perspective. Gas stations typically have

varying heights:

Small gas stations (4-5 meters high): We recommend 100-watt explosion-proof lights installed symmetrically over the fueling lanes and islands.

Traditional gas stations (around 6 meters high): Opt for 150-watt LED canopy lights, installed over the fueling lanes and islands symmetrically.

Large gas stations (about 8 meters high): It’s advisable to use 200-watt fixtures, installed over the fueling lanes and islands.

This traditional method can be adjusted based on installation density and brightness requirements. Lower wattages can be used for higher installation densities, and vice versa for higher brightness demands.



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