24 Sal Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Specifications Maintenance

Standardên ji bo Berpirsiyarên Piştî Firotanê yên Klîmayên Hewayê yên Teqîn-Proof

Di dema sazkirina yekîneyên klîma, teknîsyenên klîma hewayê yên teqemenî xwedî rolek girîng in ku pêbaweriya sazkirinê li gorî standard e û peydakirina karûbarê piştî firotanê ya nimûneyî. Armanca wan ew e ku herî zêde berjewendiyên xerîdaran biparêzin, destûrê dide bikaranîna maqûl û aborî ya klîma-pêla teqînê. Ji ber vê yekê, dema sazkirinê, maintenance personnel must adhere to the following two practices:

teqîna delîl klîma-7
1. Offer users comprehensive technical guidance for the safe and proper operation of the equipment. This involves providing detailed advice on the air conditioner’s application, birêvebirinî, awayî, and operational methods, as well as addressing all inquiries related to the unit. To facilitate independent and safe use of the teqîna-delîlên klîma by users, thereby substantially reducing risks during operation, prioritizing safety in production is essential.

2. In cases of malfunction, it’s imperative to engage professional repair services rather than attempting self-inspection. Repair technicians should immediately ascertain the fault’s cause upon arrival and present the customer with suitable adjustment and repair solutions. They must communicate clearly with the customer about the nature of the fault and proposed solutions. Promptly addressing malfunctions, ensuring safe and correct installation, and conducting thorough calibrations are vital to guarantee the explosion-proof air conditioner’s safe operation in subsequent production tasks.



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