24 Sal Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Qada sepandî

Dema ku di stasyonên benzînê de roniyên teqemeniyê bi kar tînin divê bala xwe bidin çi

1. Li Stasyonên Benzînê çirayên teqînê:

Li stasyonên gazê, roniyên teqîn-delîlan bi gelemperî qatek fîlima rûnê berhev dikin, ku bi demê re bi tozê tê girtin. Ev fîlim dikare ronahiyê di qapaxa zelal re derbas bike asteng bike. Ji ber vê yekê, it’s essential to clean the transparent covers of the explosion-proof lights regularly, based on the actual conditions at the station.

explosion proof lights in gas stations

2. Wiring of Explosion-Proof Lights:

The wiring for explosion-proof lights should be done using conduit. This approach prevents the wires from being exposed and safeguards them against damage caused by rodents, birds, or abrasions from building metal structures.

3. Installation Height of Explosion-Proof Lights in Gas Stations:

The installation height of explosion-proof lights in gas stations should not be too low. Giştîve, the height of an unladen trailer is about 4.2 metre. Bi îdeal, explosion-proof lights should be installed at a height of more than 10 metre li ser erdê. This ensures that the lights do not obstruct the contents of trailers.



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