Veteran clients familiar with explosion-proof threading boxes know that there’s a diverse range in terms of design. Бүгүн, let’s delve into some common varieties.
1. Дизайнга негизделген түрлөрү: Жарылуудан корголбогон жип салуу кутулары ар кандай формада болот. Common дизайн түз аркылуу кирет, эки тараптуу, үч тараптуу, жана төрт тараптуу кутулар. Each type has its unique cable exit configuration.
2. Specifications and Dimensions: The size and specifications of these boxes vary based on the threading size.
3. Pricing Strategy: The cost of these boxes is determined by their design and threading specifications. Ошондуктан, when purchasing an explosion-proof threading box, it’s crucial to select the type that genuinely meets your needs. Avoid the temptation of lower prices that might not suit your requirements.