Жарылуудан корголбогон кондиционерлердин эскириши жумуш орундарында олуттуу электрдик өрткө алып келиши мүмкүн, бул бөлүмдөрдүн карылыгын алдын алуу жана аныктоо үчүн абдан маанилүү болуп саналат. Бирок жарылууга туруштук бербеген кондиционердин эскирип жатканын кантип билсе болот, жана карылык аныкталгандан кийин кандай кадамдарды жасоо керек?
Жакында, electrical fires have been a growing concern, with equipment aging, short circuits, overloads, and poor contact being major contributors. As vital components in hazardous areas, the health of explosion-proof air conditioners is paramount. Here are some ways to identify aging:
1. Evaluate the air conditioner’s age based on its өндүрүш датасы and calculate its remaining lifespan.
2. Conduct insulation performance tests. Significant drops in insulation quality, rendering the unit unusable, signal aging.
3. Inspect the air conditioner’s surface. Misaligned connections, worn threads, damaged insulation, or unusual odors during operation are all aging indicators.
4. In buildings, assess the air conditioners based on the age of the facility they serve.
5. Consider the air conditioner’s operating environment, анын ичинде температура, нымдуулук, corrosiveness, and electrical load, to determine its condition.
Aging in explosion-proof air conditioners poses a significant risk. Users must be proactive in preventing aging by routinely inspecting their units. Upon detecting signs of aging, immediate action for repair or replacement is essential to ensure safety and prevent potential fire hazards.