Химиялык заводдор, кадимки заводдордон айырмаланып, белгилүү бир шарттарда коркунучтуу химиялык реакцияларга оңой өтүүчү химиялык туруксуз заттар менен иштөө, уулуу таасирине жана жарылууларга алып келет. Анткени жарык берүүчү приборлор иштөө учурунда сөзсүз түрдө электр учкундарын же өтө ысык беттерди чыгарат, they pose a significant risk of igniting explosive gases and dust in the production or emergency response areas, directly endangering lives and national property. Explosion-proof lights are designed to prevent internal arcs, учкундар, and high temperatures from igniting the surrounding flammable gases and dust, meeting stringent explosion-proof standards.
Explosion in the Chemical Industry Park of Xiangshui County, Yancheng City
March 21, 2019, will forever be a dark day in Chinese history.
On this day, a massive explosion occurred in the Xiangshui County Ecological Chemical Industrial Park in Yancheng, Jiangsu. It was the most severe explosion in China since the 2015 “Tianjin Port 8.12 Explosion” and the only “major accident” in recent years in the country. The explosion at the Tianjiayi Chemical Plant sent shockwaves across the region. The immense mushroom cloud, roaring flames, billowing smoke, and scenes of people fleeing in terror, bleeding, and weeping were harrowing. The explosion affected 16 nearby companies. By March 23, 7 AM, the incident had resulted in 64 deaths, менен 21 critically injured and 73 seriously injured. Of the 64 deceased, 26 had been identified, while the identities of 38 remained unconfirmed, and there were 28 reported missing persons. Given the situation, the number of casualties could rise further.
Behind these numerous accidents lies a widespread lack of awareness about the hazards of chemical plants and the importance of appropriate lighting. Safety precautions in lighting at chemical plants are crucial as they are linked to the very survival of these facilities. Those familiar with the chemical industry understand the dangers of chemical materials. Fire is a major risk in chemical plants, and the potential sources of ignition are varied and often unpredictable, much like the rain – we never know when it might start or stop. This unpredictability also applies to lighting fixtures, which can trigger fires at any moment.
The mandate for explosion-proof lighting in chemical plants exists for good reasons. Cost-cutting measures leading to the purchase of cheap, low-quality lighting have caused numerous accidents. In such hazardous areas, strict requirements for high-quality, protective lighting fixtures are essential for safety. Choosing lights with fire, чаң, коррозия, газ, жана күйүүчү protection not only maximizes efficiency and saves energy but also ensures peace of mind. Our фабрика specializes in selling explosion-proof lighting specifically designed for chemical plants, offering direct manufacturer sales with quality and after-sales guarantees.
Many manufacturers argue that explosion-proof lights are too expensive, claiming they could install two regular lights for the price of one жарылууга каршы жарык. Бирок, have they considered the consequences of an accident? How will worker safety be ensured? Химиялык заводдор, being such critical facilities, cannot afford even a hint of complacency.